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How to get rid of internal fat!


by racingtesk 2018. 2. 12. 13:28


"how to get rid of internal fat"

How can I lose my stomach, which is easily steamed but never falls out? Today, we will learn about foods that help remove internal fat.

diet food


The first food is tomato.

Tomatoes are low in calories and a lot of water.

Tomatoes are effective for dieting. The high levels of moisture and fiber give you a feeling of fullness, aid digestion, and promote metabolism.

Because tomatoes are better absorbed by the body when boiled or crushed, they can be eaten with various recipes.

In particular, internal fat helps eliminate the problem of abdominal fat.

diet food

The second food is apple vinegar.

The acetic acid in vinegar helps make proteins that break down fat.

For those who actually are overweight, consuming 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar over a 12-week period is said to have decreased the internal fat.

diet food

Third food is apple.

Apples are high in vitamin C and beta carotene.

These are effective in removing abdominal fat in minutes, when they are good for burning.

diet food

The fourth food is avocado.

Olesan in Avocado makes you feel full for a long time, so it's effective in dieting.

Avocado is best eaten once a day.



The fifth food is beans.

The soluble fiber in soy absorbs cholesterol and is therefore effective in removing the belly fat caused by the internal fat.

diet food

The sixth food is almonds.

Almonds are protein-rich, carbohydrate-looking, highly unsaturated fatty foods that help with dieting.

Almonds should eat no more than 23 per day.



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