How to config linux static IP address?
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How to config linux static IP address?

by racingtesk 2017. 12. 26.

How do I configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) properties of a network connection with a static IP address for servers running Linux operating systems?
How do I configure static IP address under Fedora / Redhat Enterprise Linux server?

how to config linux ip address?

Today I will post a message about how to make changes to IP in Linux.

There are three ways to change IP in Linux.



First. Modify IP config file.




edit ifcfg-eth0

vi ifcfg-eth0




IPADDDR should be replaced.

 ONBOOT ="yes" <= default NO


Second. use command line interface .
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 netmask up


Third.  use GUI tool.



type "setup" in the terminal windows.


linux command


step 2. to choose Network configuration.


config linux ip address



step 3. to choose Device configuration.


config linux static ip address


step 4. select current network Device.


change linux ip address



step 5. edit IP address and enter OK.


config linux ip address



save and network restart .


ex) service network restart OR sysctl restart network


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