Today we will take a moment to learn how to use Linux FTP. [File Transfer Protocol]
Used to transfer files from the server to the server to the PC.
Today's configuration is for transferring files from linux server to PC.
The FTP program that you used on your PC sent the files to the Linux server using the AlApp program.
Create a directory on the Linux server to which to receive the files before you transfer them.
The Linux command to create the directory is mkdir (directory name).
We created a directory here called Rad.
We are planning to install a program on Linux servers called radsecproxy, which we will post later.
This is the Al ftp screen.
Run the server by running AlApp.Click Server at the top to run the server.
Set up an account to connect to from PC IP and Linux server and a directory to connect to the password.
Now, let's try FTP access from the Linux server to your PC
FTP access commands are in the format of the IP port number (21) to which ftp is to be accessed.
ex> ftp 21
Access is completed with ftp but the screen is displayed. Press help to output the available commands.
The leading word for importing files is get [file name].
ex>ftp> get [file name]
The screen where the file was transferred.
If you want to receive a file to another directory, specify the directory after the file name.
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