how to burn belly fat fast!
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how to burn belly fat fast!

by racingtesk 2018. 2. 13.

"how to burn belly fat fast"

Today we will learn how to quickly remove the belly fat.

Cinnamon is a warm-tempered cinnamon that increases heat to the body, increases calorie consumption, stimulates metabolism and prevents fat accumulation.

how to burn belly fat fast

This is a proven and reliable part of the study, and when you eat cinnamon, it is mainly made from flour.

how to burn belly fat fast

Whole grains contain a lot of dietary fiber and give a high filling feeling in a small amount. Calories consumption is twice as high as that of refined grains, which helps to remove visceral fat.

how to burn belly fat fast


The gingerol ingredient in ginger increases the basal metabolism and helps to consume calories.

Higher calorie consumption has the effect of preventing fat accumulation naturally.

how to burn belly fat fast


Green tea is famous for obesity prevention cars. Catechin ingredient of green tea prevents accumulation of fat in the body.

how to burn belly fat fast


Beans inhibit the accumulation of cholesterol. Black beans are good for removing visceral fat.

Peptides contained in black beans help to lose weight.

how to burn belly fat fast


Spicy red pepper is effective in suppressing fat consumption and fat accumulation by raising heat to our body.

We recommend eating less than two per day.

We introduce three kinds of exercise which are good for abdominal obesity.

how to burn belly fat fast

The first exercise is walking. It is important to walk for at least 40 minutes when walking.

This is because fat is used as an energy source within 20 minutes after starting the exercise.

how to burn belly fat fast


The second exercise is cycling. Bicycling is a good exercise diet during aerobic exercise.

Biking is a better exercise in calorie consumption than walking on a treadmill.

how to burn belly fat fast


The third exercise is jump rope. If you skip rope for 12 minutes, you will run 16km and I will be like your heart rate.

Continuing steady rope skipping can reduce fat, increase muscle strength, improve endurance, and increase lung capacity.





